
Past Exhibitions

Christopher Ries: Glass & Light

December 3, 2010 – January 22, 2011
Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Gallery

Christopher Ries composes light through the medium of glass by sculpting monolithic forms from giant blocks of optic crystal. His elegant polished forms reflect internally, then transmit evocative abstract compositions, which appear as pure apparitions of light. The inspiration for these sculptures is as diverse as water, wind, fire and flowers. Some suggest the glow and light of flame, while others the shimmer and reflectivity of water. All have a profound simplicity and elegance of form. They allow the viewer great latitude in interpretation. The work is at once intellectually, emotionally and spiritually spellbinding. Don’t miss this astounding display of his works presently on view at Wayne Art Center in conjunction with Craftforms 2010.

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